Over the years I have gathered several operating guidlines, checklists, equipment brochures, etc. Many of these are placed in a looseleaf binder (with a transparent cover) as part of Drifter's Log. Several are in a clipboard folder kept at the helm. Hopefully you find several of the ideas useful. The pages are jpeg copies and if printed as borderless photos shold be close to original size.
AlbinCruisers Information
This website posts advertisements & reports on Albin 25 & 27 cruisers & information on fitting out “Drifter” (A27SC86 - Sault Ste. Marie, 0n. Nissan LD28 - 78hp) for extended cruising – it’s our “summer cottage”. To get to a topic in the List of Posts, check the date of posting & click on the date in the Archives & scroll down the posting. Comment on a post by clicking the icon below the post - I get a copy by email. To get a reply include your email address. John
Thursday, September 28, 2006
CRUISING LOG & AIDS (25 pages)
Over the years I have gathered several operating guidlines, checklists, equipment brochures, etc. Many of these are placed in a looseleaf binder (with a transparent cover) as part of Drifter's Log. Several are in a clipboard folder kept at the helm. Hopefully you find several of the ideas useful. The pages are jpeg copies and if printed as borderless photos shold be close to original size.
Over the years I have gathered several operating guidlines, checklists, equipment brochures, etc. Many of these are placed in a looseleaf binder (with a transparent cover) as part of Drifter's Log. Several are in a clipboard folder kept at the helm. Hopefully you find several of the ideas useful. The pages are jpeg copies and if printed as borderless photos shold be close to original size.